Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sketch Skateboards Halloween Costume Jam — 11/5 Chesapeake, VA

Sktech Skateboards is hosting the Halloween Costume Jam on Indian Creek Road / Walston’s Lane in Chesapeake, VA at 1:00PM on November 5th (allowing you to get a little extra time in that expensive costume you bought for one night). The last event these guys held (on September 10th) drew in over 150 skaters, this one already has 59 confirmed guests on Facebook with lots of time left and more sure to come without RSVPing. Like the title says, it’s a costume jam, so you should dress to impress (although you should still be able to skate…), there is a prize for best costume, so make it count!
According to the Facebook Event the majority of the day will be a freeride skate jam with competitions and prizes at the end for furthest slide, best trick, and fastest downhill speed. There are a TON of sponsors (20 at my last count) which means prizes and prizes and prizes and prizes. A raffle will be held at the end of the awards to raffle off the rest of the garb so you could walk away with something sweet even if you don’t podium. Sponsors include: Sketch Skateboards, Original Skateboards, Bustin’ Boards, Longboard Loft NYC, Surf_Rodz, Loaded Boards, Orangatang, Seesmic, Acadia Longboards (who co-hosted the last event in the Chesapeake area on September 10th), and a ton more.
Helmet and gloves are required, as always. Longboards only for competition, although all are welcome to come, jam and spectate.

view original article here


Adam Smith said...

Helmet is very essential accessories when you go out for a competition or adventure on your board. Beginner should wear gloves too. This will decreased the risk and increase the ability for performance. Thanks for sharing with us Longboards for Girls

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